ACT (Diction Circle Tempo) in action

In addition to the standard battles, the game sometimes offers tactical battles in the manner of “Suikoden II” where each of your characters takes under his command a small army. Tiles of troops are divided into 6 groups: spearman, cavalry, archer, bandit, mercenary and griffin.
Each of the groups has both advantages and disadvantages in relation to other types of troops.
The battlefield is divided into many sectors with different properties, and each “army” has a certain number of action points that it can spend on various actions such as moving, attacking or defending.

Just like in regular battles, each “troop” has a “DR” scale, with the full accumulation of which it becomes possible to use powerful attacks, such as hitting several sectors at once or.
restoring action points to all allies. Missions and fights like that can be found in some similar games. So, if you want to prolong the joy from
Legrand Legacy here is our list of recommended games.

Tales of Berseria

It’s a Japanese-style third-person action role-playing action game, similar to
Legrand Legacy. You have to embark on a journey of self-discovery and take on the role of the heroine Velvet Crowe, a young girl who has replaced her carefree image with anger and hatred due to an incident that occurred three years before the events of Tales of Berseria. Velvet will join the pirates who roam the sea and visit the many islands of the Holy Empire of Midgand. One more Japanese-style game, just like
Legrand Legacy.

Guardians of Arcadia

This is an adventure RPG with Japanese-style turn-based combat. The game will tell the story of General Nero Baikal, whose highly advanced weapons have terrorized kingdoms all over the world. With Hikaru’s homeland destroyed, his sister Aki and a group of dubious characters set out on a journey to end the evil general’s terrorist campaign. It has a story similar to
Legrand Legacy.

Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia

It is a sequel to the 1998 RPG strategy Brigandine: The Legend of Forsena, retaining the core mechanics of its predecessor. Choosing one of the six nations, your main task will be to conquer the entire continent. At your disposal will be special runic knights who own magic, and their monster squads. With their help, you have to capture enemy castles and smash the armies of opponents who have their own equally strong heroes. Another good example of Legrand Legacy substitute.

Anima: Gate of memories

This is a third-person action role-playing game. It is based on the story of a couple bound by an unwitting pact: a legendary monster and a girl without a past. They are meant to be together, and their fate changes when they find themselves embroiled in a sinister secret war. Memory Gate features a unique dual system that allows you to control two different characters and switch quickly to make multiple combinations. Some functions in this game are unique and are not present in Legrand Legacy.

You never know until you try

Test these games to find out if they really have anything in common with Legrand Legacy.